User Experience Designer

Currently at Amazon Web Services.

With over 6 years of experience, I specialize in providing comprehensive design solutions and tackling complex challenges by aligning cross-functional teams towards user-centric and strategic business objectives, with a keen focus on understanding the problem space.

My expertise includes:

🤩 Experience Design

I craft customer-centric solutions for businesses, based on identified user pain points. I foster collaboration among cross-functional teams and ensure continuous improvement through a feedback loop.

🔍 User Research

I excel in understanding user needs by conducting usability research, collecting data, interpreting findings, and synthesizing to drive results that inform the design decisions for user-centered solutions.

🎯 Product Strategy

I always try and find ways to enhance the future state of a product or service over a defined period by establishing goals and formulating a plan necessary to achieve these objectives.

A designer always begins their work with a compelling “Why?”. 

Over the years, I’ve come to realize that my “Why?” is about helping people and making a difference, no matter how small.

UX Research + Design // Web App

Optimizing efficiency in AWS IoT FleetWise console through usability evaluation and experience design

A holistic approach enabled thorough comprehension of user interactions, pain points, and optimization prospects across the console experience

UX Research + Design // AI Chatbot + Web app

User research and AI Chatbot design to elevate student engagement in collaborative environments

An AI-enhanced chatbot intervention to enhance individual engagement with respect to participation and satisfaction

UX Design // Mobile App

End-to-end experience design for a career and networking app tailored to creative professionals

Helping creative professionals from the entertainment industry to network and seek opportunities through a centralized application

UX Design // Multi-platform

Experience and interface design for a blended learning solution for Macmillan Education, from concept to launch

A comprehensive product design approach for an advanced learning management system

UX Research + Design // Mobile App

Comprehensive usability testing of the FastFood App, yielding actionable insights

A summative usability analysis for a mobile application designed for food delivery.

We made great things together